Friday, January 15, 2010

Seek and You Shall Find

My treasure trove hungers for
Worldly accomplishments.
Appeasement is a far trek.
Progression and regression follow my quest.
I wonder if what I sought has fetched me here..

The mind wanders endlessly,
Each soul seeking something!
Some worldly, some spiritual.
Some find, some do not.
Its presence brings joy to one,
Its absence to another.
I am perplexed by this duality.

Makes me think, do I really need what I seek?

Discontent accompanied attainment,
Forecasts of happiness mocked my judgment.
Prayers turned to solicitation,
Hopes of materializing materials rose!
With an inventory of never-ending wants,
I slip into a slumber…
Only to awaken to a Higher calling!

The voice said “Reflect on your blessings”
And I comprehend how void my prayers were.. 
Begins my prayers of gratitude,
For I had much more than I sought, 
The power to make it happen! 

I set out to acquire what I want.
But on an uphill climb, self-doubt consumed me…
The voice answered,
“Do you doubt MY infinite power?”

Humbled, I gazed upward and whispered,
“I am but an instrument for your will.”
The voice softly replied, “The path unveils what you seek...”
And I comprehend all I truly need is the 
wisdom to seek with profound clarity.

The next moment, the haze lifted,
Material things faded into insignificance,
The confines of worldly definitions broke away, 
And I embarked on a quest to find the creator within…

The voice assured “If the pursuit is strong and the intent right,
Seek and you shall find...”


Anupam said...

Hello Priya really nice post .I liked the lines ..Discontent accompanied attainment,
Forecast of happiness mocked my judgment,
Lingered in me a thought,
What I require is the wisdom to ask right..and “I realize I am a mere instrument to execute your will”..
It's true that attitude of gratitude is the most important thing to strive for. We have to count our blessings and be thankful for all that the universe has given us..then only the universe can conspire to give us even more :)

Turning Point said...

Beautiful! Thank you for this wonderful poem